In Flux

A Little Bit of Cosplay

It’s funny how one comment can propel you down memory lane which—if you’re observant and lucky—can serve as an on-ramp to something better. Recently a friend of mine commented on an illustration of Ada-as-Sisyphus (which is a major theme in Deukollectrum) as reminding her of Aeon Flux. Fortunately, tucked away in the DVD collection, I actually had the three-disc boxed set of the animated shorts, the “pilot,” and 10 episodes MTV began airing around 1995.

Based on the fan art above, you might think Aeon was something of a progenitor of Ada, but I’ve searched my subconscious on this subject, and had even done so when I bought the DVD set a long time ago when Everyday Music existed on Capitol Hill in Seattle. But the more I thought and reflected on it, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a case of convergent evolution. Continue reading “In Flux”